Natural Reward Results in the
success of the innovative

The lesson to be derived from (Darwin’s advance) is that even today there may be great syntheses waiting to be assembled from materials that are already at hand.
– Gavin De Beer
Components of innovation

The process of creation. Natural selection acts as Nature's inventor, tinkering together contraptions without regard to long-term effect on expansion.

Disseminating inventions. Natural Reward acts as Nature's entrepreneur, choosing useful inventions for dissemination to large markets.
Innovation in nature
Understanding the major themes of life’s history are important for us to face an uncertain future.

… A day will come, in the revolution of centuries, when a new idea will usurp its place as the directing idea of humanity…It will be the criterion by which Progress and all other ideas will be judged.
– J.B. Bury
Natural reward
The key to understanding the historical advancement of life and how to advance further.