Follow up with Komi German (Podcast Episode 2)

Follow up with Komi German: reviewer’s reaction to her work

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Komi German about a reviewer’s reaction to her book proposal. All academics deal with rejection. How a researcher deals with rejection determines whether she gets her work published, and how it will appear. We brainstorm strategies to deal with the reviewer’s response and the question of what approach to take in a revision. We discuss whether Komi should try to appeal to her opponents, or whether she should try to appeal to third parties. We also cover some of the issues surrounding Freedom of Expression, including those raised by foundational documents of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the Chicago Statement of Principles, the Chicago Report, and Yale’s Woodward report.


Update Oct 4, 2021

I am glad to hear from Komi that she is now working to incorporate her personal story and perspective into her book. Always takes a little time to get back in the saddle, but I’m sure she’ll get it done.