advancement of science
A second scientific revolution.
The theory of natural reward has major implications for revolutionizing the economic system of science. These will be detailed in a sequel paper.
"The system now favors those who can guarantee results rather than those with potentially path-breaking ideas that, by definition, cannot promise success."
"...when faced with new ideas,
expert evaluators systematically give lower scores
to truly novel (21–23) or interdisciplinary (24) research

"Bureaucrato-academics tend to be judged by other bureaucrats and academics, not by reality."
"The harder problems are not tackled, if for no other reason than that brilliant scientific careers are not built on persistent failure."
" is much easier to create your career by producing essentially imitative or sensational or repetitious work."

"Most scientists strongly favor more research funding... While understandable, the evidence is that science has slowed enormously per dollar or hour spent."
"...if we don’t change the incentive structures of our funding process...we won’t see the kind of innovation in which academic research was supposed to specialize."

"Scientific genius is extinct."

"The power of money is ever present, and is gravely to be regarded."